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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Manpower Development and Placement
City of Cebu

"Towards Cebu City's Manpower Productivity and Employability"

Contact DMDP at:
62 D. Jakosalem St.,
Cebu City

Tel. No. 253-9212 / 254-4348

Courses Offered... FREE!

Industrial Trade Courses
1. Automotive (6 mos) 8:00 – 5:00 mon-fri
2. Defensive driving preventive maintenance
3. Electronics application
4. TV servicing
5. Basic electricity (4 mos) 8:00 – 5:00 daily
6. Refrigeration & air conditioning
7. Plumbing (3 mos) 8:00 – 5:00 mon-fri
8. Computer technician

Vocational – Technical trade Courses

1. Cosmetology(3 mos)
(hair beauty culture/manicure/pedicure)
2. Computer literacy

3. Computer programming

4. Website publishing

5. Ms-access (module 1&2)

6. Visual basic (module 1&2)

7. Computer designing

8. Computer aided design

9. Desktop publishing

10. Typing

11. Stenography (basic & advanced)

Garments trade

1. Dressmaking

2. Draperies

3. Tailoring (6 mos)

4. Industrial sewing machines operation

Simple Technologies
1. Wood lamination/silkscreen printing
2. Soap & candle making (1 day)
3. Flower making & gift wrapping
4. Flower arrangement

Food Trade / Culinary Arts
1. Cooking, baking, food preservation
2. Cake decorating
3. HRS (hotel restaurant services)

The programs above are offered for FREE to Cebu City residents.
For more information, contact DMDP at Tel. Nos. 253-9212 or 254-4348

Research and Program Development

Research and Program Development

to upgrade the different training modules to meet the changing demands of the time

- to experiment on prototype models of marketable products that can generates job opportunities to city residents

Vocational Guidance Programs


Training Orientation Seminars

This program introduces the DMDP trainees to the life in DMDP’s training center, its training methodologies, and rules on discipline. It has the principal intention of enhancing the motivation of incoming trainees to maximize their learning opportunities & pursue their training aggressively.

Social, Moral and Spiritual Enhancement Program

This formation program aims to assist DMDP trainees discover themselves in their personal, social and spiritual areas of adjustment. It is designed to provide them w/ information in w/c they can relate personal needs in spiritual and personal-social areas of interest that can contribute to the total development of their whole being.

Career Planning Seminar Workshop

This seminar-workshop is designed to provide graduating DMDP trainees w/ information on employment and labor supply situation in the city and make them evaluate themselves in terms of motivation to work and employability; orient them to labor laws, rules and regulations; social security services and how it helps and affects them; guide them on self-employment strategies; job application process by providing them pre-employment orientation.

Trainer’s Training Program

This program seeks to upgrade the teaching abilities of vocational instructors w/ the stress on new industrial realities.

Managerial & Entrepreneurship Training

This program aims to enhance the management and supervisory skills of foreman and supervisors for business entrepreneurship.

Trade Testing & Certification Program

Trade test for various courses are programmed as part of the training requirements to ensure that trainees consistently meet global standards, knowing that high quality skilled labor is in demand worldwide. DMDP facilities for the processing and administration of trade tests of graduates in coordination w/ TESDA.

Labor Employment Division Programs



Wage employment facilitation

This program facilitates and refers jobseekers whose education, skills and work experience match w/ the requirements of the jobs solicited from various companies both in local and overseas employers.

Livelihood & Self-Employment Facilitation

This program facilitates for those jobseekers who cannot be readily absorbed in the wage employment sector but possesses the will and motivation characteristics and potentials to engage in their own business activities.


Overseas jobs fair
Local jobs fair
Livelihood fair


This program is undertaken to help poor but deserving students pursue their education by encouraging their employment during summer and /or Christmas vacation as provide for R.A 7323 & its implementing rules.

Program Beneficiaries (Who should attend?)

DMDP program beneficiaries:

- all cebu city residents

- out of – school youths

- unemployed/underemployed persons

- idle household members

- low-income wage earners

- other LGU’s, NGO’s

- schools and universities (public & private)

- industry workers, trainors, government employees

- general public who to avail of the services

Enrollment Information

Enrollment Information

  1. Enrollment is going on quarterly. Individualized instruction is utilized. NO FEES will be charged however, trainees are to provide for their own project materials.
  2. Each training course has its own number of prescribed training hours and number of projects to be accomplished as a requirement for graduation.
  3. Industrial trade course can be finished in 4-months and will be followed-up w/ on the job training.
  4. Other courses can be finished in 3 months period.
For more information... contact:
Telephone Number 253-9212 / 254-4348

Our Address:
Marijoy Building (2nd floor, Ramos Public Market)
62 D. Jakosalem St., Cebu City

Mission, Program and Services

DMDP's Mission, Program and Services

- promote and strengthen the quality of technical vocational education and skills development programs to attain international competitiveness and productive employment

- help alleviate the economic status among individuals, group and communities and accelerate the city’s economic growth through the conduct of various manpower development programs and placement services

- initiate livelihood programs and provide necessary technical and manpower assistance to private entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals


DMDP's Vision

A training and placement center that provides technologically advanced manpower development programs, placement services and economically viable livelihood programs to promote employability and productivity of the city’s human resources.